Financial support

Help us reach people who have not yet heard
the message of God’s Word.

Support the translation work
Help us translate more books of the Bible into the contemporary Polish language
NPD for prisoners
Help us finance the distribution of NPD in penitentiary facilities
No hidden costs
100% of donations are applied to specific purposes selected by supporters

Information for supporters

NPD is a faith initiative sponsored entirely by individual supporters. If the LORD moves your heart to be part of the work among the many Poles who need to learn about the good news of rescue that can only be found in Christ, and you would like to support the NPD project by the means of online transfer, we will be thankful for each gift backing our NPD Crowdfunding campaign.

– 100% of the financial gifts transferred to the below accounts with the annotation: GIFT FOR NPD PROJECT will be allocated to that very project.

– 100% of the financial gifts transferred to the below accounts with the annotation NPD FOR PRISONERS will be used to finance the publication of Good News for Thieves and Thugs. Each PLN 5 ($ 1.40 or € 1.20) pays for one copy including transport. This version of the Letter to Colossians (NPD) is distributed in Polish penitentiaries completely free of charge.

You can also support us in the traditional way by transferring your donation to the bank account:

PLN: PL 89 1030 0019 0109 8503 3000 5621

USD: PL 72 1030 0019 0108 4006 0110 8341

Donations up to PLN 4,900 are exempt from donations tax. Should you desire to support us with a higher amount or fund more than 980 free copies of Good News for Thieves and Thugs, please contact us at:

NPD Team

Monthly support

One-time support